Get Out The Vote
With just under four weeks to go until Delaware’s September 13th primary, we are in full Get Out The Vote (GOTV) mode. The first ballots have already been sent out and many have been returned, so our job is to make sure that as many people as possible hear about and vote for our Working Families candidates here in Delaware.
Over the next two weeks we’ll be contacting people with mail-in ballots and finishing talking to all the voters we can. Leading up to the election we’ll be focused on turning out supporters and early voting. On Election Day we’ll have plenty to do, from contacting voters to offering rides to the polls.
We go through those different tasks below, but if you’re interested in signing up for GOTV tasks (between now and September 12th) you can go here. If you’re interested in signing up for Election Day (September 13th) tasks you can sign up here.
From August 17th - August 31st:
Ballot Chasing - call through people who had their ballots mailed that haven’t returned them yet, using OpenVPB (Anytime)
Phone Banking - completing three passes on the dialer to make sure that all (Wednesdays)
Canvassing - knocking doors for candidates and ID’ing supporters (Saturdays, Sundays)
Designing Ads - creating Facebook and Google ads for candidates who need them (Anytime)
Joining a Team - helping a specific campaign team however they need (As Needed)
From August 31st - September 12th:
Ballot Chasing - call through people who had their ballots mailed that haven’t returned them yet, using OpenVPB (Anytime)
Early Vote Poll Rides - offer rides to anyone who wants to go to an early voting location (As Needed)
GOTV Phone Banking - calling through positive IDs for all of the candidates (TBD)
GOTV Canvassing - knocking and reminding positive IDs to vote (TBD)
Joining a Team - helping a specific campaign team however they need (As Needed)
Election Day:
Election Prep - putting up signs at polling places and doing lit drops before people wake up (Night Before)
Poll Rides - offering rides to the polls for people who need them (As Needed)
Election Day Canvassing - knocking and turning out supporters (7am - 8pm)
Election Day Phone Banking - calling supporters on the dialer (7am - 8pm)
Poll Greeting - standing at the polling places and handing out lit (7am - 8pm)
Number Retriever - going to polling places and collecting the numbers on the windows (8pm-9pm)
If you have any questions, you can reach out to