Committee Agenda Report

Prepared By Dustyn Thompson & Julie McIndoe

Yeah…. We dunno. It’s the last week of the session, so this really does have to be the last week of committee hearings… Right?? We don’t know anymore…

The House is still offering a call-in option and the Senate committees are all still virtual only.

Bills coming up the week of 6/27/22:

Bill Number Sponsor Summary/Description Committee Date Time Registration Link
SB 316 Sen. Pinkney This Act caps the amount that an individual, group, or State employee plan may charge for diabetes equipment and supplies, other than insulin, at $35 per month House Health and Human Resources 6/28/22 12:30 PM 1-800-285-6670 Password: HEALTH
Live Stream
HB 374 Rep. Wilson Anton This bill extends protections to homeowners in manufactured home communities even if their homes do not qualify as “manufactured homes” under the current definition of manufactured home. Senate Housing 6/29/22 10:00 AM Register Here
SB 305 Sen. Hansen Climate Change Solutions Act House Natural Resources 6/29/22 12:00 PM 1-888-272-8703 Password: RESOURCES
Live Stream
HB 345 Rep. Minor Brown This Act ensures pregnant women and women who have given birth within the past six weeks who are subject to the custody of the Department of Corrections at Level IV or V have access to midwifery and doula services by requiring the Department to make reasonable accommodations for provision of available midwifery or doula services. Senate Health & Social Services 6/29/22 1:00 AM Register Here
HB 333 Rep. Bennett Bans Declawing Cats Senate Health & Social Services 6/29/22 1:00 PM Register Here
SB 294 Sen. Richardson Deletes outdated language on voting, officially lowering the age to vote from 21 to 18 House Admin 6/29/22 1:00 PM 1-866-578-1005 Password: ADMIN
Live Stream
SB 330 Sen. Brown Exempts the Riverfront Development Corporation from having to pay property taxes House Admin 6/29/22 1:00 PM 1-866-578-1005 Password: ADMIN
Live Stream
SB 312 Sen. Walsh Requires water testing in manufactured housing communities House Admin 6/29/22 1:00 PM 1-866-578-1005 Password: ADMIN
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SB 317 Sen. Walsh Literally 99% of the same bill as Senate Bill 9 to increase rent in manufactured home communities House Admin 6/29/22 1:00 PM 1-866-578-1005 Password: ADMIN
Live Stream
HB 303 Rep. Longhurst Requires coverage of an annual behavioral health well check Senate Health & Social Services 6/15/22 10:00 AM Register Here

Top Priority Legislation This Week:

Environment and Energy

House Natural Resources Committee

Thursday, June 29th at 12:00 PM 

1-888-272-8703 Password: RESOURCES

Senate Bill 305, the Climate Change Solutions Act, seeks to cut emissions in Delaware by 50% by 2030 and 90% by 2050, setting the stage for one of the most aggressive net-zero goals in the nation. You can bet the farm that the Fossil Fuel lobby, the Koch Brothers, the Utilities and Natural Gas Reps, and so many climate deniers are all lining up to stop this bill in committee this week. They know that if it is released, then we have a clear path towards a carbon-neutral Delaware by 2050. In the Senate Committee, advocates were easily matched, causing the news reporters to declare this bill a high-risk bill for 2022. Use this tool to send an email to key members of the House Natural Resources Committee and to the House Leadership demanding that the Climate Change Solutions Act continue to move forward in 2022! Advocates are meeting at Legislative Hall in the lobby at 11:30 for testimony, wear green.


House Health and Human Resources


12:30 PM


Password: HEALTH

Live Stream

SB 316 caps the amount that insurers can charge for diabetes equipment and supplies.  Under the bill, the amount that an individual, group, or State employee plan may charge for diabetes equipment and supplies, other than insulin, would be capped at $35 per month. These supplies include blood glucose meters and strips, urine testing strips, syringes, continuous glucose monitors and supplies, and insulin pump supplies. Last year a bill capping insulin This bill passed unanimously in the Senate. Let’s hope it can through the house in the last three days of the session.

Senate Health & Social Services


1:00 AM

Register Here

HB 345  This bill is part of the “Momnibus” package authored by Rep. Melissa Minor-Brown which consists of four bills intended to reduce black infant mortality. HB 345 requires the Department of Corrections to make reasonable accommodations for doulas and midwives for pregnant women and women who have given birth within the past six weeks who are subject to the custody of the Department of Corrections at Level IV or V. 


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Weekly Legislative Update: Week of June 13th - 17th