Weekly Report: 2/19/24
Prepared By: Karl Stomberg, Shyanne Miller
The legislature is still on the break for the next few weeks, so we do not have a legislative update this week. However, you can look at our previous posts to see what is going on with the Joint Legislative Committee hearings around the budget. However, we have some important events coming up to look out for.
People Powered Campaign Kickoff
It’s 2024 and we have less than 6 months left on the clock before the 152nd General Assembly closes out. Before June 30, 2024, we need to change the system for Delaware’s multi-racial working class.
Here are three big issues we’re working on this year that you can get involved in:
Protect tenants from skyrocketing rents
Provide all public school students with free breakfast and lunch during the school day
Get Delaware workers earned sick and safety days
We need people to help on these issues so we can pass landmark legislation for Delawareans up and down the state. These are going to be people-powered campaigns. Join us on February 27, 2024 for our People-Powered Campaign Kickoff, where we will launch these three issue campaigns. We’ll need all hands on deck to get these policies passed. So regardless of your skill level or experience, you can still find a place in the movement.
Other Events
We also have two events coming up this week:
Welcome Gathering - Wed, 2/21 at 5:30pm - Join us for our monthly virtual welcome gathering, where we talk more about who we are at Delaware WFP, what sort of things we work on, and how you can get involved.
“To The End”Documentary Screening - Wed, 2/21 at 6:30pm - Join us at the Rt 9 Library this Wednesday, 2/21 at 6:30 p.m. for an exclusive screening of “To The End”, a documentary about the emergence of the Green New Deal movement over the last several years.